OLG Registration Form

Become a registered member of the OLG community! This helps us serve you better but registering is also a commitment to our community.
Complete one form per person, not per family. To register additional members, click on the "Return to Form" button after each individual registration. If you have any questions email office@olgmail.org. Peace and All Good.
Our Lady of Guadalupe Church in Hermosa Beach, California extends the warmest welcome to you!  Completing this form is a good starting point for us to connect.  We look forward to reaching out to you as you begin your faith journey here in this community.  

One form per person, please. 
Please select one option.
Please select all that apply.
Please select one option.
Please select one option.
Please select one option.
Please select one option.
Please select one option.
Please select one option.
How to I Regsiter Additional Family Members?

After you've filled out the above information for the Head of Household (first person to contact), Click the Submit button. After that you will have an option to "Return to Form," and complete the form again for your additional family member.  We will link you together as a family after you're done completing the forms.

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to the Church Office at 310-372-7077 or email office@olgmail.org.


Become a registered member of the OLG community! This helps us serve you better but registering is also a commitment to our community.
Complete one form per person, not per family. To register additional members, click on the "Return to Form" button after each individual registration. If you have any questions email office@olgmail.org. Peace and All Good.